Holistic and adaptivE Interface Design for human-technology Interactions
M € Budget
#4 General Assembly Meeting
08.- 09. October 2024 | Linköping, Sweden October marked an important milestone as we wrapped up the Month 24 meeting of the HEIDI project at the VTI premises in beautiful Linköping, Sweden.With two years behind us, we are now entering the final year of the project,...
HEIDI at DSC 2024
We were thrilled to present at the Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference & Exhibition (DSC 2024), an event that brings together the brightest minds in driving simulation from both academia and industry, alongside top commercial simulation...
HEIDI new Advisory Board member
We are happy to announce our new HEIDI Advisory Board member Manuela Barbarossa from A.I.V.I.S (Associazione Italiana Vittime e Infortuni della Strada). A.I.V.I.S. is a non-profit organization. It helps and protects victims of traffic accidents and survivors with...